Current Message Series

September 9 – Our Next Step: It’s A Big Step! (Go Big or Go Home) Scripture: Nehemiah 2:1-9, Matthew 7:7-10
Nehemiah is convinced that he has to take on a huge project, the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem. After much prayer and contemplation, he approaches the king to ask for the time off, but he doesn’t stop there. He asked for much more, he asks for what he needs. We have been convinced that we need to take on a huge project, the ministry expansion on our north property. It will challenge all of us to do more than we thought possible to not just ask, but to ask for what we need.

September 16 – Our Next Step: Face the Fact – Be Inspired
Scripture: Nehemiah 2:11-13, 16-18; Luke 10:17-20
Nehemiah arrives on the scene and it is worse than he thought. He helps the leaders see the situation and boldly proposes that they rebuild the walls. He speaks about how God’s hand has been upon this endeavor and the leaders are inspired to start the work. God’s hand has been upon Risen Savior from the beginning. When we look at the progress so far it is easy to get inspired and press on toward our goal.

September 23 – Our Next Step: Full Participation – Proportional Sacrifice Scripture: Nehemiah 3:9-13, 4:6; Luke 21:1-4
Nehemiah records for us all the various people and families that did their part in rebuilding the wall. Some did just what was in front of their home other who had more means rebuilt entire sections of the wall. If it is to be accomplished they all had to participate according to their means. The same is true with our project. This will take all of us sacrificially giving according to what we have if we are to successful.

September 30 – Our Next Step: Expect Opposition – Rally the Troops
Scripture: Nehemiah 4:7-9, 13-15; John 15:18-27
Rebuilding the wall did not sit well with the other nations surrounding Jerusalem. With no wall they were an easy target, but with a wall they could defend themselves. Nehemiah responds by rallying the people together to defend and build. There will no doubt be many challenges as we expand our ministry, the enemy is not going to like it one bit. We stick together and depend upon God to protect us and bless our efforts.

October 7 – Our Next Step: Finish the Work – Praise the Lord
Scripture: Nehemiah 6:15-16, 8:2, 5-6; Luke 24:50-53
They did what most would call impossible, they built the walls around the city is 52 days. For the people this was an impossible task, but for God it was not. Even Israel’s enemies acknowledged the power of God at work. With the work done the people praised God and worshiped Him. When our expansion is completed it will not be something we could accomplish, but it will be a testimony to the power of God. The praise, the glory, and the honor will be His alone.